Want to join our team?

We are seeking to recruit highly talented & motivated colleagues at all levels.

Not sure about joining the lab?

If you want to understand how and why we think at the level of brain circuitry, it will be YOU to join.

The Thinker
Rene Rodin (1840-1917)

  • Technicians: at least 2 years of lab experience preferred.

  • Undergrads/Interns: those planning to pursue PhDs will be considered.

  • Graduate students: PhD students preferred.

  • Postdocs: highly motivated PhDs experienced with in vitro/vivo electrophysiology, and/or MATLAB/Python

Are you a person who wants to study how the brain works but is from a field other than biological sciences? No worries. We do interdisciplinary neuroscience. We also welcome people having engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics, or statistics background.

Prospective colleagues should send your research interest, past research experience (if applicable), CV (if applicable), and contact information for your reference (if applicable) to 박정환 (Alan Jung Park, jung.park@snu.ac.kr).